Getting Started


Install the stable release from pypi (using pip):

pip install django-extra-views

Or install the current master branch from github:

pip install -e git://

Then add 'extra_views' to your INSTALLED_APPS:


Quick Examples


Define a FormSetView, a view which creates a single formset from django.forms.formset_factory and adds it to the context.

from extra_views import FormSetView
from my_forms import AddressForm

class AddressFormSet(FormSetView):
    form_class = AddressForm
    template_name = 'address_formset.html'

Then within address_formset.html, render the formset like this:

<form method="post">
  {{ formset }}
  <input type="submit" value="Submit" />


Define a ModelFormSetView, a view which works as FormSetView but instead renders a model formset using django.forms.modelformset_factory.

from extra_views import ModelFormSetView

class ItemFormSetView(ModelFormSetView):
    model = Item
    fields = ['name', 'sku']
    template_name = 'item_formset.html'

CreateWithInlinesView or UpdateWithInlinesView

Define CreateWithInlinesView and UpdateWithInlinesView, views which render a form to create/update a model instance and its related inline formsets. Each of the InlineFormSetFactory classes use similar class definitions as the ModelFormSetView.

from extra_views import CreateWithInlinesView, UpdateWithInlinesView, InlineFormSetFactory

class ItemInline(InlineFormSetFactory):
    model = Item
    fields = ['sku', 'price', 'name']

class ContactInline(InlineFormSetFactory):
    model = Contact
    fields = ['name', 'email']

class CreateOrderView(CreateWithInlinesView):
    model = Order
    inlines = [ItemInline, ContactInline]
    fields = ['customer', 'name']
    template_name = 'order_and_items.html'

class UpdateOrderView(UpdateWithInlinesView):
    model = Order
    inlines = [ItemInline, ContactInline]
    fields = ['customer', 'name']
    template_name = 'order_and_items.html'

Then within order_and_items.html, render the formset like this:

<form method="post">
  {{ form }}

  {% for formset in inlines %}
    {{ formset }}
  {% endfor %}
  <input type="submit" value="Submit" />